Notice of Right to Cancel the Contract

If the customer wishes to exercise his/her right to cancel the contract, the below template should be sent to upgrades@heatgeek.com

Customer Cancellation Rights

You have the right to cancel this contract during or before the ‘cancellation period’ without giving any reason. Cancellation should be communicated in writing or by e-mail to the person shown above.

Your 14 day cancellation period starts on the day the last part of the goods relating to the contract is delivered to you. If you want us to start work sooner for any reason, please be aware that you must ask for this in writing and you should describe why you need the work to start within the cancellation period.

Work begun prior to the expiry of the cancellation period

If you have agreed in writing that work will commence before the 14 day cancellation period expires, and you subsequently cancel in accordance with your rights, you are advised that reasonable payment may be due for any work carried out. You are asked to confirm in writing that work may commence before your cancellation period expires. You can use the lower half of the form overleaf to do this.

Cancellation Template

To: upgrades@heatgeek.com        

I/We (delete as appropriate) hereby give notice that I/we wish to cancel my/our contract.



Work commencing prior to the expiry of the Cancellation Period

If the customer wishes work to start before the cancellation period expires, they should sign below to confirm this and that they understand that if they subsequently decide to cancel within 14 days, reasonable payment may be due for works already carried out prior to cancellation.

To: upgrades@heatgeek.com

I/We want Heat Geek Installations Ltd to commence work on: ................................... before my cancellation period has expired.

I understand that if I subsequently decide to cancel within 14 days, I may be asked to pay for any work that has been done prior to my cancellation.

